as required in clause 6 par 1 a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, and in accordance with clause 5 par. 2 of act No. 101/2000 Coll. on personal data protection, as later amended (hereafter only "General Data Protection Regulation") with effect since 25 May 2018, we hereby provide to you
In this document we are providing information about your rights connected with the processing of your personal data where CHIRANA T. Injecta, s.r.o., producer of surgical sewing materials, is the data administrator, see www.chirmax.cz.
The administrator of personal data, i.e. the entity that determines the means and purpose and decides on the processing of your personal data for the fulfillment of contracts, for the business agenda and technical support, is CHIRANA T. Injecta, s.r.o., Komořanská 2148, 143 00, Praha 4, Czech Republic, reg. No.: 26216469, VAT reg. No.: CZ26216469, registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 233080, e-mail sales@t-injecta.cz, phone +420 241 768 407, +420 241 768 408. These parties can also process personal data for the Administrator:
We adhere to the personal data act and related legal regulations, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in the processing of your personal data. The aim of personal data processing is the fulfillment of contracts, the business agenda and technical support. We prepare all your personal data for the above-mentioned purpose based on the data you have provided and keep the data for the intended purpose during the contract term and duration of our cooperation. We keep the data for the period permitted by applicable archiving legislation and legal regulations.
We process only personal data we obtained from you and such that we need for the due fulfillment of contracts and for our cooperation. First name and last name, title, address, company name, e-mail, phone, reg. No. and VAT reg. No. We may also process personal data belonging to other natural persons, your employees and/or partners you stated or will provide to us. This involves natural persons who are the contacts and with whom we shall cooperate or to whom we shall provide our products and services. This mostly includes the first name and last name, phone, address and e-mail. We define this data ourselves and you shall consider what data you are going to provide to us. As part of our activities, we will follow data relevant for the purchase of products and services in terms of quantities and time, so that we can better understand your needs and steer our business in the right direction.
We treat your personal data with all due care and in accordance with applicable legal regulations. We protect your personal data to the maximum possible extent corresponding to the technical level of the means that are available to us. Our data is secured with sufficiently robust passwords (with sufficient length, combination of small and capital letters and numerals) and access to is is not possible without the knowledge of these passwords. We have adopted an internal guideline for working with personal data. The guideline defines the responsibility and security of work with the personal data and some more rules. We are training our staff for personal data protection.
You can exercise these rights towards our company, the Administrator of your personal data:
Act No. 563/1992 Coll. on accounting Act No. 235/2004 Coll. on value added tax Act No. 112/2016 Coll. on revenues tracking Act No. 586/1992 Coll. on the income tax Act No. 353/2003 Coll. on excise taxes Act No. 280/2009 Coll. the tax code Act No. 254/2004 Coll. on the restriction on cash payments Act No. 253/2008 Coll. on some measures against the legalisation of proceeds from criminal activity and terrorism funding
You can exercise you rights in a written letter sent to the address of you personal data Administrator: CHIRANA T. Injecta, s.r.o., Komořanská 2148, 143 00 Praha 4 or to its e-mail sales@t-injecta.cz or osobniudaje@t-injecta.cz. If you believe that the processing of your personal violates applicable legal regulations, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority which is: the Office for Personal Data Protection Pplk. Sochora 24, 170 00 Praha 7 land line: +420 234 665 111 (switchboard); e-mail: posta@uoou.cz; data box ID: qkbaa2n